I have received news that, in the Virtual Vallarta Reader's Choice
competition, Mark's Bar and Grill, Bucerias, won Best Overall, Best
North Shore and Best Service. Remember that this competition includes
all the top Vallarta restaurants and the entire North Shore. Pie In
the Sky won Best Bakery, Best Dessert, and Best Ice Cream. You can see
all the results at www.virtualvallarta.com. This is wonderful news
for the restaurants and for Bucerias. Congratulations to both of
them. Jan asked me to convey the thanks of everyone at Mark's to
their patrons and to those who voted for them.
The immigration office in Bucerias is finally open. Hours are from
10-2, Jalisco, Monday through Friday. The office is located on Las
Palmas, the street that runs from the highway to the DeCameron. It is
about one-half block down, on the right hand side. Phone is
329-298-1442. This is, supposedly, for Nayarit residents only.
Want to learn how to read Tarot cards? Danny Sanchez is trying to put
together four two-hour workshops. If you are interested, contact him
at 322-116-4669 or 329-298-3262.
Eva's Brickhouse is starting some weekly specials. A salad, an entree,
garlic bread and a dessert for $129.
Monday Roast Beef, mashed potatoes and veggies
Tuesday Chicken Marsala, rice and Veggies
Wednesday Grill Shrimp, rice and veggies
Thursday Spaghetti and meatballs
Friday Ribs and fries.
Pie In The Sky has extended its Happy Hour to include all day Tuesday
from 8:00 A.M. until 10:00 p.m. All coffee and tea drinks that do not
include ice cream will be 2x1. All breakfast postres will be 20 % off
Bucerias Gardens will be opening under new management around the 1st
of October. Also, it appears that the Twisted Rose is relocating to
the old Lost Paradise. This is such a great setting. It will be good
to see someone using it again.
Some construction has started at the footbridge. I am not sure
exactly what is going on there. The road is a total mess and I
haven't had the time to walk down there. More to come on that
Stay cool!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Friday, July 18, 2008
Discover Nayarit Summer Update
Yesterday, we received the results from the Altruism Festival which
was held on May 25th. Total income for the festival was nearly
$600,000 pesos. Estimated attendance was 1900. Each of the 24
participating charities received $24,320 pesos. This money is to be
used for construction, supplies, furnishings, etc. It is not for
administrative costs. Recipients in the North Bay are Manos de Amor
por Bahia (the orphanage), Biblioteca Rey Nayar (children's library),
The Friendship Club of La Cruz, and PEACE (which does spay/neuter
clinics and other community projects).
Part-Time English Teacher wanted to start classes in August 2008,
certified and experienced teachers only.
Escuela del Mundo, is a small private school in San Pancho (San
Francisco, Nayarit) - SEP certified, emphasis on Montessori in
preschool/integrated in Elementary. They are expanding their English
program to include daily lessons and activities in both preschool and
elementary. Montessori experience is not required, but a plus! Spanish
fluency not a requirement.
To find out more about them, visit www.escueladelmundo.org or their
blog at escueladelmundo.blogspot.com. Interested applicants may send
resume and cover letter to escueladelmundo@yahoo.com.mx (attn: English
before July 30, 2008. Tel/fax: 311.258.4441
Pie In The Sky is giving out Beso Point Cards during this Summer
Season for locals or repeat customers. Buy 10 Besos and Get one Beso
Free (Gratis) Pick up your BESO POINT CARD at both Vallarta and
Bucerias locations.
The Shamrock Irish Pub has changed happy hour back to 5 to 7pm by
popular demand, 2 for 1 on all national drinks. Still open 7 days a
week 11am till 1am, serving great food. On Wednesday, they have
"ENLACE" playing the best of yesterday and today, an excellent range
of songs including Latino, Salsa etc.
Friday night is party night, always good fun themed nights with drink
specials and give aways.
There are kittens and puppies everywhere needing loving homes. If you
are interested in adopting a pet, contact me or Molly at
mollyinmexico@yahoo.com or April at ajsurf66@yahoo.com. Also, a
Soloixcuintle, one of the Mexican hairless breeds, at Casa Tranquila
in Bucerias. She is really sweet.
I have had an enquiry about Catholic churches in the Nuevo Vallarta
area. Does anyone know if there are any and where they are located?
We have had rain, off and on, for the past two weeks. Helps to cool
things a bit but also has brought out those pesky mosquitoes.
Stay cool, wherever you are.
Yesterday, we received the results from the Altruism Festival which
was held on May 25th. Total income for the festival was nearly
$600,000 pesos. Estimated attendance was 1900. Each of the 24
participating charities received $24,320 pesos. This money is to be
used for construction, supplies, furnishings, etc. It is not for
administrative costs. Recipients in the North Bay are Manos de Amor
por Bahia (the orphanage), Biblioteca Rey Nayar (children's library),
The Friendship Club of La Cruz, and PEACE (which does spay/neuter
clinics and other community projects).
Part-Time English Teacher wanted to start classes in August 2008,
certified and experienced teachers only.
Escuela del Mundo, is a small private school in San Pancho (San
Francisco, Nayarit) - SEP certified, emphasis on Montessori in
preschool/integrated in Elementary. They are expanding their English
program to include daily lessons and activities in both preschool and
elementary. Montessori experience is not required, but a plus! Spanish
fluency not a requirement.
To find out more about them, visit www.escueladelmundo.org or their
blog at escueladelmundo.blogspot.com. Interested applicants may send
resume and cover letter to escueladelmundo@yahoo.com.mx (attn: English
before July 30, 2008. Tel/fax: 311.258.4441
Pie In The Sky is giving out Beso Point Cards during this Summer
Season for locals or repeat customers. Buy 10 Besos and Get one Beso
Free (Gratis) Pick up your BESO POINT CARD at both Vallarta and
Bucerias locations.
The Shamrock Irish Pub has changed happy hour back to 5 to 7pm by
popular demand, 2 for 1 on all national drinks. Still open 7 days a
week 11am till 1am, serving great food. On Wednesday, they have
"ENLACE" playing the best of yesterday and today, an excellent range
of songs including Latino, Salsa etc.
Friday night is party night, always good fun themed nights with drink
specials and give aways.
There are kittens and puppies everywhere needing loving homes. If you
are interested in adopting a pet, contact me or Molly at
mollyinmexico@yahoo.com or April at ajsurf66@yahoo.com. Also, a
Soloixcuintle, one of the Mexican hairless breeds, at Casa Tranquila
in Bucerias. She is really sweet.
I have had an enquiry about Catholic churches in the Nuevo Vallarta
area. Does anyone know if there are any and where they are located?
We have had rain, off and on, for the past two weeks. Helps to cool
things a bit but also has brought out those pesky mosquitoes.
Stay cool, wherever you are.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Voting In November Election - Turtle News
This from the US Consulate:
Overseas Absentee Voting
Act now to register to vote and request an absentee ballot for the
2008 presidential and general elections!
Eligibility to Vote
Generally, all U.S. citizens 18 years or older who are residing
outside the United States during an election period are eligible to
vote absentee in any election for Federal office. Some states allow
overseas voters to vote in state and local elections as well.
Voting eligibility and residency requirements are determined by the
various U.S. states, and are available on-line at
http://fvap.gov/pubs/vag.html. Your "legal state of residence" for
voting purposes is the state where you last resided immediately prior
to departure from the United States. Voting rights extend to overseas
citizens even though they may no longer own property or have other
ties to their last state of residence, and even if their intent to
return to that state may be uncertain. For those who have never
resided in the United States, sixteen states allow certain U.S.
citizens to register where a parent or spouse would be eligible to
Voter Registration & Requesting an Absentee Ballot
Voters who have not yet registered to vote and requested an absentee
ballot should do so now.
1. Complete the Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) using the
instructions for your state in the Voting Assistance Guide. You may
pick up a hard copy of the FPCA from any U.S. Embassy or Consulate, or
use the online version.
2. Sign, date and mail the completed FPCA to the address listed
in the Voting Assistance Guide. If you are sending the FPCA through
international mail, please affix appropriate airmail postage.
Alternatively, you can print out a postage-paid address label and ask
any U.S. Embassy or Consulate to send your FPCA postage-paid through
diplomatic pouch or the military postal service. Some states allow
voters to send in the FPCA by fax, but they also require you to send
in the hard copy by mail. Follow your state's regulations precisely.
3. Send in a new FPCA if you have moved or changed your name
since the last time you voted.
4. Check your state's voter registration verification website
(http://fvap.gov/vao/stregissites.html), or follow up directly with
your local election officials, to confirm that you are registered.
Your local voting officials should mail your absentee ballot 30 to 45
days before the November 4 general election. Return your voted ballot
as early as possible. Be aware of your state's ballot receipt
deadline, as well as any postmarking requirements.
Emergency Ballots
The Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB) serves as an emergency
ballot for voters who registered in time but fail to receive an
official ballot from local election officials. Please note: You must
register to vote and request an absentee ballot by your state's
deadline - usually 30 days before the election - to be eligible to use
the FWAB. We strongly recommend that voters who have not received
their ballot by October 15 complete and return the FWAB to ensure your
vote is received in time to be counted.
The official U.S. government website for overseas voters is the
Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP) website at www.fvap.gov.
The Voting Assistance Officer at the United States Consulate in
Guadalajara is also always available to answer questions about
absentee voting.
To contact the Voting Assistance Officer, call (011 52 33 3268 2273)
or send an e-mail to (acsgdl@state.gov).
From the Turtle Association:
Please participate in the conservation and protection of endangered
marine sea turtles found in all oceans and beaches of Mexico. In
Nayarit State, sea turtle nesting season is underway June through
December. Females come ashore, primarily at night to excavate a nest,
lay their eggs and bury them before returning to sea. Male turtles
remain at sea. All six species of sea turtles, which nest in Mexico,
are endangered worldwide. The reproduction of baby sea turtles is
critical to their survival. Your support during the turtle
reproductive season is very important.
If you see a turtle on the beach:
Turn off all lights (flashlights, lighters, and spotlights) that could
disturb the sea turtle as she arrives on the beach or is leaving the
beach after she lays her eggs. Reduce ambient noise, distinguish
cigarettes, and minimize activity in the vicinity of the turtle.
Control dogs and children.
If you see a turtle on the beach, do not touch her, stay at least 15
feet away, and let her finish laying her eggs undisturbed before she
returns to sea.
Sea turtles are frightened of light flash from cameras, do not take
photographs or shine flashlights into their eyes.
During sea turtle nesting season, minimize bonfires on the beach.
If you walk on the beach at night with a flashlight, place a red
filter over the light to reduce the brightness. Turn off outdoor
lights or face lights downward or use amber light bulbs to reduce
If you find sea turtle hatchlings on the beach, do not keep in
captivity or put directly into the ocean. They need to be placed on
the sand above the high tide line facing the waves so they can scuttle
into the ocean across the sand into the oncoming surf. This journey
is critical as they imprint on their natal beach and will return to
lay their own eggs as adults. Ensure that all baby turtles enter the
ocean in this manner.
Do not relocate or move any nest contents. Only biologists permitted
by SEMARNAT/CONANP to manage sea turtle programs are authorized to
work with turtles during the nesting season.
Do not acquire or consume eggs or any products derived from the sea turtles.
Keep the beaches clean. Do not throw garbage into ocean, especially
plastic bags because sea turtles confuse them for food. Motorized ATV
and vehicle use is prohibited on nesting beaches year around.
Denounce harmful acts against sea turtles to the Authorities to
PROFEPA. To be in possession of sea turtles or sea turtle products,
including eggs is a federal crime which can result in incarceration
from six months up to six years and economic fines from 1,000 to
50,000 pesos.
For more information on the Mexican governmental branches authorizing
sea turtle protection, conservation, and enforcement programs, see:
National Commission on Natural Protected Areas (CONANP)
Secretary of the Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT) -
Federal Office of Environmental Protection (PROFEPA)
Pie In the Sky is extending its Happy Hour(two for one coffee,
espresso, lattes, etc) from 10:00-12:00 on Tuesday morning to include
all day Thursday and Thursday night.
Quinta di Francesco is now open seven days a week, from 5 p.m.,
Jalisco. It is located on Agustin Melgar, one block toward the
highway from Espressions.
Need caring homes for 2 adult female tiger cats (about a year of age)
and 2 female tiger kittens (about 6 months of age); 2 will make great
outdoor cats and 2 can be loved to become indoor kitties (have worked
with them for about 3 months now, and have socialized them to people).
If interested or know of someone, please call Cathy at 322-297-7967.
This from the US Consulate:
Overseas Absentee Voting
Act now to register to vote and request an absentee ballot for the
2008 presidential and general elections!
Eligibility to Vote
Generally, all U.S. citizens 18 years or older who are residing
outside the United States during an election period are eligible to
vote absentee in any election for Federal office. Some states allow
overseas voters to vote in state and local elections as well.
Voting eligibility and residency requirements are determined by the
various U.S. states, and are available on-line at
http://fvap.gov/pubs/vag.html. Your "legal state of residence" for
voting purposes is the state where you last resided immediately prior
to departure from the United States. Voting rights extend to overseas
citizens even though they may no longer own property or have other
ties to their last state of residence, and even if their intent to
return to that state may be uncertain. For those who have never
resided in the United States, sixteen states allow certain U.S.
citizens to register where a parent or spouse would be eligible to
Voter Registration & Requesting an Absentee Ballot
Voters who have not yet registered to vote and requested an absentee
ballot should do so now.
1. Complete the Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) using the
instructions for your state in the Voting Assistance Guide. You may
pick up a hard copy of the FPCA from any U.S. Embassy or Consulate, or
use the online version.
2. Sign, date and mail the completed FPCA to the address listed
in the Voting Assistance Guide. If you are sending the FPCA through
international mail, please affix appropriate airmail postage.
Alternatively, you can print out a postage-paid address label and ask
any U.S. Embassy or Consulate to send your FPCA postage-paid through
diplomatic pouch or the military postal service. Some states allow
voters to send in the FPCA by fax, but they also require you to send
in the hard copy by mail. Follow your state's regulations precisely.
3. Send in a new FPCA if you have moved or changed your name
since the last time you voted.
4. Check your state's voter registration verification website
(http://fvap.gov/vao/stregissites.html), or follow up directly with
your local election officials, to confirm that you are registered.
Your local voting officials should mail your absentee ballot 30 to 45
days before the November 4 general election. Return your voted ballot
as early as possible. Be aware of your state's ballot receipt
deadline, as well as any postmarking requirements.
Emergency Ballots
The Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB) serves as an emergency
ballot for voters who registered in time but fail to receive an
official ballot from local election officials. Please note: You must
register to vote and request an absentee ballot by your state's
deadline - usually 30 days before the election - to be eligible to use
the FWAB. We strongly recommend that voters who have not received
their ballot by October 15 complete and return the FWAB to ensure your
vote is received in time to be counted.
The official U.S. government website for overseas voters is the
Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP) website at www.fvap.gov.
The Voting Assistance Officer at the United States Consulate in
Guadalajara is also always available to answer questions about
absentee voting.
To contact the Voting Assistance Officer, call (011 52 33 3268 2273)
or send an e-mail to (acsgdl@state.gov).
From the Turtle Association:
Please participate in the conservation and protection of endangered
marine sea turtles found in all oceans and beaches of Mexico. In
Nayarit State, sea turtle nesting season is underway June through
December. Females come ashore, primarily at night to excavate a nest,
lay their eggs and bury them before returning to sea. Male turtles
remain at sea. All six species of sea turtles, which nest in Mexico,
are endangered worldwide. The reproduction of baby sea turtles is
critical to their survival. Your support during the turtle
reproductive season is very important.
If you see a turtle on the beach:
Turn off all lights (flashlights, lighters, and spotlights) that could
disturb the sea turtle as she arrives on the beach or is leaving the
beach after she lays her eggs. Reduce ambient noise, distinguish
cigarettes, and minimize activity in the vicinity of the turtle.
Control dogs and children.
If you see a turtle on the beach, do not touch her, stay at least 15
feet away, and let her finish laying her eggs undisturbed before she
returns to sea.
Sea turtles are frightened of light flash from cameras, do not take
photographs or shine flashlights into their eyes.
During sea turtle nesting season, minimize bonfires on the beach.
If you walk on the beach at night with a flashlight, place a red
filter over the light to reduce the brightness. Turn off outdoor
lights or face lights downward or use amber light bulbs to reduce
If you find sea turtle hatchlings on the beach, do not keep in
captivity or put directly into the ocean. They need to be placed on
the sand above the high tide line facing the waves so they can scuttle
into the ocean across the sand into the oncoming surf. This journey
is critical as they imprint on their natal beach and will return to
lay their own eggs as adults. Ensure that all baby turtles enter the
ocean in this manner.
Do not relocate or move any nest contents. Only biologists permitted
by SEMARNAT/CONANP to manage sea turtle programs are authorized to
work with turtles during the nesting season.
Do not acquire or consume eggs or any products derived from the sea turtles.
Keep the beaches clean. Do not throw garbage into ocean, especially
plastic bags because sea turtles confuse them for food. Motorized ATV
and vehicle use is prohibited on nesting beaches year around.
Denounce harmful acts against sea turtles to the Authorities to
PROFEPA. To be in possession of sea turtles or sea turtle products,
including eggs is a federal crime which can result in incarceration
from six months up to six years and economic fines from 1,000 to
50,000 pesos.
For more information on the Mexican governmental branches authorizing
sea turtle protection, conservation, and enforcement programs, see:
National Commission on Natural Protected Areas (CONANP)
Secretary of the Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT) -
Federal Office of Environmental Protection (PROFEPA)
Pie In the Sky is extending its Happy Hour(two for one coffee,
espresso, lattes, etc) from 10:00-12:00 on Tuesday morning to include
all day Thursday and Thursday night.
Quinta di Francesco is now open seven days a week, from 5 p.m.,
Jalisco. It is located on Agustin Melgar, one block toward the
highway from Espressions.
Need caring homes for 2 adult female tiger cats (about a year of age)
and 2 female tiger kittens (about 6 months of age); 2 will make great
outdoor cats and 2 can be loved to become indoor kitties (have worked
with them for about 3 months now, and have socialized them to people).
If interested or know of someone, please call Cathy at 322-297-7967.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
291 pound tuna!

Just last week at CorbeteƱa Rock in a 28 ft super panga, this monster tuna was landed by Jeanne and her hubby. A Calestar Rod and AVET 50´ Reel with Spectra line, a 180 pds Yozuri leader and live bait was the set up. They caught 15 more that day in the 40-80 pound range.
Sebastion at http://www.puntamitaexpeditions.com/ sent us the photo.
Sebastion at http://www.puntamitaexpeditions.com/ sent us the photo.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Summer Fun in Nayarit
Ron Abbe - American Legion #14 Post Representative is looking for thefollowing persons, believed to be living in the north part of Bahia deBanderas: ROBERT MCFADDENMAURICE HOESCHENBERNARD SANTOSPRESTON BEARDJAMES PITCHFORDCLIFFORD GARDNERRICHARD FENNJOHN DEHARTHERMAN ARBITTERDALE AHLSTROM
They should contact Ron Abbe at: ronabbe@gmail.com
The Shamrock Irish Pub will have happy hour everyday from 5pm-7pm.Great food and daily specials. Monday-poker night, texas hold'em. $200 pesos buys you in. 10% of goes to Manos de Amor Orphanage. Tuesday-guitarist taking requests and open mic. Wednesday-live group Enlace, playing your favorites of today and yesterday, Friday-partynight, each friday night they have a different theme night. Join them on Friday for the 4th of July party.
Eva's Brickhouse is starting their special this week with Pot Roastand Mashed Potatoes. They have also added to their breakfast menu, assorted quiches. They offer whole pies available to take home.
The Shamrock Irish Pub has 6 gorgeous puppies for adoption. Also, 3 kittens, fully house trained and 5 months old.
A note on the orphanage project- the roof for the first floor is nearly complete. Construction of the second floor will begin soon. One of the regidores (lieutenants) of Jaime Cuevas donated 5,000 concrete blocks for that phase of the construction. We have recently added PayPal to our donation page of the website-www.manosdeamor.com. On May 31st, a fund raiser was held in Toronto which raised nearly$10,000 US to help the orphanage project. Look for details and photos in the next issue of Amigos y Vecinos.
Enjoy your summer. Things are a bit warm here. Stay cool!!-- Valienecasavaliene@gmail.com
Ron Abbe - American Legion #14 Post Representative is looking for thefollowing persons, believed to be living in the north part of Bahia deBanderas: ROBERT MCFADDENMAURICE HOESCHENBERNARD SANTOSPRESTON BEARDJAMES PITCHFORDCLIFFORD GARDNERRICHARD FENNJOHN DEHARTHERMAN ARBITTERDALE AHLSTROM
They should contact Ron Abbe at: ronabbe@gmail.com
The Shamrock Irish Pub will have happy hour everyday from 5pm-7pm.Great food and daily specials. Monday-poker night, texas hold'em. $200 pesos buys you in. 10% of goes to Manos de Amor Orphanage. Tuesday-guitarist taking requests and open mic. Wednesday-live group Enlace, playing your favorites of today and yesterday, Friday-partynight, each friday night they have a different theme night. Join them on Friday for the 4th of July party.
Eva's Brickhouse is starting their special this week with Pot Roastand Mashed Potatoes. They have also added to their breakfast menu, assorted quiches. They offer whole pies available to take home.
The Shamrock Irish Pub has 6 gorgeous puppies for adoption. Also, 3 kittens, fully house trained and 5 months old.
A note on the orphanage project- the roof for the first floor is nearly complete. Construction of the second floor will begin soon. One of the regidores (lieutenants) of Jaime Cuevas donated 5,000 concrete blocks for that phase of the construction. We have recently added PayPal to our donation page of the website-www.manosdeamor.com. On May 31st, a fund raiser was held in Toronto which raised nearly$10,000 US to help the orphanage project. Look for details and photos in the next issue of Amigos y Vecinos.
Enjoy your summer. Things are a bit warm here. Stay cool!!-- Valienecasavaliene@gmail.com
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